Tuesday 22 May 2018

Mayor Funds improvements to Walthamstow Station

Walthamstow Central

Months after getting planning permission for the horrendous Town Centre development there is no communication from Capital & Regional so the Mayor's grand plan for tarting up the station may come to nothing as he is relying on a £1.5m contribution from C&R for the scheme. This will do nothing to deal with the current overcrowding of the Victoria Line as the number of trains is at capacity. The TfL staff at the Blackhorse Point consultation indicated there were some efficiency measure they can implement, but at the end of the day if the trains are running nose to tail there is no more capacity that can be created. With over 12,000 more people moving in to the area the Victoria Line can only get worse and yet TfL want to increase the housing by building on the Blackhorse Road station car park. This is all real madness!

TfL has stopped the completion of the road scheme at the top of Selborne Road but I have still not discovered what the real reason is for a year's delay. All this disruption is just wrecking Walthamstow.

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