Friday 22 June 2018

Town Centre Saga Part 3 - Housing

Over 4,700 flats are being built in Walthamstow and another 500 planned for the Town Centre. This is far too many without improvements to the infrastructure i.e. better transport, more health facilities, schools, parks but much of this is not happening due to lack of money. There is no room for improved transport - no space for new roads and extra lines for the tube light years away if ever!

Most of the new flats are outside the range of those on the London average wage of £35k - Essex Brewery 3 bed flat is £800k and a 2 bed in Walthamstow Gateway is £400k. So what is meant by "affordable" ?

It now gets very complicated as the definitions are endless as these links show:

Social and Affordable Housing

Mayor's Definition

Waltham Forest Draft Affordable Housing

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