Friday 24 August 2018

Blackhorse Point - update

It is depressing how developers use a public consultation to push their plans to the limit. This is the Blackhorse Road Car Park site and TfL own it so the Mayor should not be selling it for expensive flats. The land should be reserved for social housing. 

Somehow the developer has decided that the public want an even higher block, so in typical "willy waving" architects are so good at, the height is going up to 21 storeys so that it is the highest block around! How a 21 storey building can reflect its Victorian history is interesting - I interpret that as meaning that the Grenfell disaster means bricks now have to be used as cladding will not be accepted by the public!! I hope it also has enough lifts to let people escape! It is nice to know that at one of the busiest traffic junctions in the Borough they will be providing play space for the up to 11 years old!

Good afternoon,

Thank you for your interest in our proposals for Blackhorse Point.

We have now held our second public exhibition where we displayed our updated plans for the car park opposite Blackhorse Road station. If you were unable to attend this, you can download copies of the boards from our project website (www.blackhorsepoint.com).

Throughout our public consultation period we have listened carefully to the feedback we have received and this has resulted in the following:

·         We have reduced the heights of four of the proposed buildings adjacent to neighbouring developments towards the northern and eastern parts of the site. These buildings now range from five to eleven storeys.
·         In order to ensure that we deliver the same number of onsite affordable homes, we will be increasing the height of the building on Forest Road – closest to the Blackhorse Mills development – to 21 storeys. This is only slightly taller than the 18 storey tower at Blackhorse Mills, and the 17 storey student accommodation on the south side of Forest Road.
·         The materials of the tallest building continue to reflect the history of the area.
·         Play areas will be provided within the public amenity spaces for all ages up to 11 years old.
·         With regards to the proposed commercial facilities - we will look into delivering a range of facilities across 9,000 sq ft of retail space. These facilities could include a bakery, grocers, gym and restaurant or pub.

This summer we will be submitting a full planning application to Waltham Forest Council. In the meantime there is still an opportunity for you to provide us with your comments on our proposals. You can do so by completing the Feedback Form on our project website or by emailingBlackhorsePoint@londoncommunications.co.uk with your comments.

Yours sincerely,

The Blackhorse Point Consultation Team

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