Friday 10 August 2018

Wood Street Library Update 3

Well for August this has been a  very busy month! The Cabinet held a meeting to decide the future of Wood Street Library and the labour Group agreed to relocate it to 3 retail units which are being built on the old Coop site in Wood Street. They intend to sell off the existing building to the highest bidder and hope to get at least £2.6m for it. No doubt it will be bought by a developer keen to build a 20 storey block of flats creating "a gateway" to Wood Street.

This ignores the fact that the existing iconic building is already a gateway to Wood street and was built just after the war and was designed by the Borough Architect to continue the theme created by the Town Hall further along Forest Road. The Leader of the Council cannot see the importance of this and is only interested in moving the library into a soulless modern building further along the street. She claims this is the only way to find the money to save the library but is happy squandering public money on the Town Centre competition and ruining the Borough with Min Holland. 

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