Friday 30 November 2018

Planning Application updates

Planning Application 183671

Nita Villa and Dellwood, Forest Rise E17 3NN

Back in 2006 an attempt to build a 9 storey block (2006/1330/OUT) was blocked after a planning inspector rejected the plans partly on the grounds the site was the buffer land to Epping Forest an SSSI.

Now that TfL and Mini Holland have wrecked the Whipps Cross roundabout another plan has emerged. The plan is to demolish the 2 houses and build a 5 storey block with 9 flats. If you don't want this development then send in your objection to the planning department.

Planning App 183424   Webbs Industrial Site, 108 Blackhorse Lane

Blackhorse Yard
The Mayor is planning to build 359 affordable flats on this site. I thought when the Mayor purchased the site it was for Social Housing. Oh well it doesn't matter as he is flogging off the Blackhorse Road car park to Barretts (Blackhorse Point) for private development. Why is it the Mayor and the Government can't agree a way of solving the social housing problem - answers on a postage stamp!

Now to the detail - 1 to 15 storey blocks with plenty of flexible floor space - I assume workshops! Looks liked the usual uninspiring architecture with the inevitable amenity space i.e. balconies!! 

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