Friday 30 November 2018

Town Centre Gyratory

It always surprises me how many times TfL get it right!!?

Dear Stakeholder

Between 22 June and 3 August 2018, we consulted on proposals to change bus operations at Walthamstow gyratory. I wanted to make you aware that we have now published our consultation report and our response to issues raised document.

544 people responded to the consultation with 53 per cent of respondents in favour of removing bus stop AP, with 34 per cent opposing. 52 per cent of respondents favoured proposals to relocate the north and southbound 97 and 357 from the bus station to Hoe Street, with 37 per cent opposing. After considering all responses, we plan to proceed with the scheme as proposed with the changes due to be implemented in December 2018.

If you have any further questions regarding the scheme, please do not hesitate to contact me.

The consultation report and response to issues raised document can be found here: https://consultations.tfl.gov.uk/buses/walthamstow-gyratory/

Yours faithfully

James Pickard
Local Communities & Partnerships
Transport for London

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