Tuesday 11 December 2018

Town Hall Campus Development


The Cabinet will be discussing their plans to redevelop the Town Hall Campus which includes the Magistrates, Town Hall and Assembly Hall. They expect work to start in 2020. That is at the very least optimistic as Brexit is likely exacerbate the skills shortage and put up costs. A lot of equipment will be needed for this site and the 3 in the Town Centre. To "avoid " traffic disruption all construction traffic will be routed from the North Circular via Chingford Road - don't look for a quiet drink in the Bell!!

The total cost of the scheme (if I have read the Cabinet paper correctly!) is £65m. 585 flats will be created. The Town Hall will have a makeover whose costs have already risen from £13.5m to £16.5m.

To get 50% affordable housing and additional £5.3m has to be found from somewhere!

Town Hall regeneration project

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