Wednesday 20 March 2019

Wood Street Library update

Last night (19/3/19) at the Wood Street Community Ward Forum Cllr Miller reported that 2 community groups had said they would be bidding for the existing library building. He did not reveal who these groups are but we do know that one of them has withdrawn. Up until the closing date of the ACV, 8th July 2019, the council would have to consider these offers.

After the 8th July they can put the building on the open market. After a viability assessment they would then have to decide which offer to take. In the meantime the council is preparing their own scheme for the building.

 At the Ward Forum meeting Louise Duffield outlined the plans for the new library beside the Coop store. Behind the current hoardings the new library will occupy the ground floor from Wood Street to the Post Office. The Post Office will be relocated next to the current marketing suite. Once the old Post Office is demolished a large plaza and children's playground will be built.

The council provided those at the meeting with a range of stats showing the use of the current library and they are hoping to broaden the range of users and increase the numbers using the new building. Currently the main users are young families with few elderly people using it.

Residents attending the meeting were put into 2 Workshops, one developing ideas to attract more people to the library and the other working out the internal layout of the library. It was felt that those "working from home" should be accommodated at one end with good WiFi, a teenage area in the middle and the cafe and children's area at the far end close to the new children's play area. There will be one small meeting room in the building which will be let out. In good weather there will be an opportunity to put out tables and chairs on the plaza for cafe users.

There is a trial at Higham Hill library, which so far has been successful, to allow library users in using a card access system 24 hours per day. The library is expected to be open every day of the year except for 4 days i.e. Christmas Day etc.

A Library Forum has been set up to advise on the details for the new library and more members are needed so if you want to help with the new library please get in touch with one of your local councillors.

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