Friday 14 June 2019

National Park City Events

Events in June and July

Dear Friends!

Please help make the London National Park City Festival a success! Here are two simple things you can do...
  1. Are you organising an event during the week of the festival (20 to 28 July)? If so, please submit details to the Festival Website here. Your event will be listed here
  2. PLEASE SEND LOVELY PHOTOS OF YOUR PARK to me (alice@cprelondon.org.uk) this week or next if possible (or otherwise as soon as you're able) so I can use them in our #GoParksLondon 2019 social media campaign to run during Love Parks Week (12-21 July) and the National Park City Festival. Pictures when the sun it shining and/or with people enjoying themselves are always good! (Large files can be sent via wetransfer.com - it's free.) 
Many thanks!
Alice Roberts
Head of Green Space Campaigns
CPRE London
CPRE London and the London Friends of Green Spaces Network are working together to bring more support and exposure to London's park friends groups. 

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