Friday 24 April 2020

Gas Works site Leyton


FB Group

Planning Applicatiuon: 201329

Lea Bridge Gas Works 78 Perth Road Leyton London E10 7PB
201329 - Valid From 07/05/2020
A comprehensive phased development comprising demolition of existing buildings and structures, and erection of buildings to provide a mixeduse scheme including 573 residential units (Use Class C3) in 10 buildings ranging from 2 to 18 storeys, 582m2 flexible residential facilities and commercial uses (Use Classes A1, A2, A3, A4, B1, C3, D1and D2), together with public open space; public realm works and landscaping; car and cycle parking; servicing arrangements; sustainable energy measures; formation of new pedestrian and cycle access onto Clementina Road; formation of new pedestrian, cycle and vehicular access onto Orient Way; means of access and circulation

Details of the development

2.5 Gasholder sites form an integral part of the emerging London Plan. They are identified as a strategic source of housing, and are exempt from the commercial floorspace capacity test. The Mayor has also confirmed in his response to the London Plan EIP that they are subject to the 35% Fastrack Approach.
2.6 The Government’s National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) supports the redevelopment of contaminated brownfield land for housing. It seeks to optimise land for housing. 2.7 St William intend to develop land at Lea Bridge Gasworks, Perth Road, for residential development. The Gasworks site area is 2.64 hectares, and the vision of the project is to create a well-connected urban community uniquely located to access green space and recreation at Leyton Jubilee Park, the Lea Valley and beyond.
2.8 The Berkeley Group has a history of achieving economic and social sustainability objectives through recognised and tested programmes providing benefit to their local communities. These programmes and activities will be applied to the Site to ensure not only that the environment will be enhanced, but that the Applicant will engage with and enhance the local community which will be of benefit in social and economic terms.

What are St William’s plans for the site? St William’s vision is to transform a 6.2 acre redundant utility site into a thriving addition to the existing Lea Bridge community. Our proposals will deliver: • 573 high quality homes including 158 affordable homes; • A 50-place nursery for local children; • New pedestrian and cycle links to Leyton Jubilee Park; • A new community square with play space at the pedestrian site entrance on Clementina Road; • More than two acres of publicly accessible play areas and landscaped open space; • More than 150 new trees; and • A new vehicular access from Orient Way

Latest Consultation 24th April 2020 - was this designed to hide the frequently asked questions? Leaflet distributed in the area on one side encourages people to stay at home due to Coronavirus and on the other side Frequently Asked Questions about the development!

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