Thursday 16 July 2020


View from railway bridge on Forest Road

2C Fulbourne Road E17 4EE

650 flats in 8 buildings ranging from 4 to 20 storeys.

2C Fulbourne Road E17 4EE

      On the 15th July 2020 Inland Homes presented their vision for the Homebase site. Comments on the Vision can be sent in up until 22nd July.

650 flats in 8 buildings ranging from 4 to 20 storeys.
Here are my initial thoughts:

       1. Loss of Homebase is a major loss to the area as the nearest DIY shops are on the N. Circular or at Tottenham Hale which is already heavily congested. This will either increase car journeys or home deliveries for basic maintenance materials. The Walthamstow branch was not one that was listed for closure but a £28m offer to buy the site clearly changed Homebase’s mind and they will close in early 2021.

     2. Access Road - The council gave up its rights to the access road in January so who will control the parking on the access road? The road is heavily parked by those living in the existing flats so presumably they will have to find alternative parking – where?

     3. Design - The design of the flats is bland and with awful looking balconies hanging on the outside make the buildings look like match boxes on end with bits of metal grill attached on the side. The balconies are only there because the site does not have sufficient amenity space to provide adequate space for the 650 flats. It is a too dense development which is forced on the developer by the London Plan.

    4. Height - A block adjacent to the railway will be 20 storeys and will loom over the railway bridge and the surrounding houses and interrupt the pleasant view towards the Town Hall and College. An important question that will need to be resolved is whether Woodside School and Bremer school’s playground are overlooked. In this day and age that is not acceptable for the safety of the children.

     5. Services - Locally services such as Health, Schools, water supplies and sewerage will need to cope with an additional 1200+ people on a site that has had minimal impact on local services. Once Willow House is developed that number will rise.

    6. The Environmental Impact Study (EIA) needs to be published before the planning application is submitted so we can see what impact this development has on our patch.

 Previous Blogs     HOMEBASE UPDATE 1           HOMEBASE UPDATE 2

1 comment:

  1. Have surveys been carried out? Numbers of people registering for doctors,dentists, etc. Do such surveys exist? Numbers travelling on Victoria Line - surveys? There must be environmental control surveys???? I would like to see results before more flats are built.


All comments welcome - but please be polite!