Friday 18 September 2020

Homebase Update 6

Planning Application 202512  for the 583 flats (down from the EIA suggesting 700) has now been released. Click on link above to go to Planning Apps site and search for 202512.

For further background see earlier posts Homebase or use the search box for Homebase.

This has been the fastest planning application I can remember. It was only in January there was a mention in the Cabinet minutes that the Homebase site could be developed and then it turned out in January the site had been sold for £28m by Homebase to Inland Homes. By July all the plans were ready to be submitted so they went through the farce of "consultation" which is just a euphemism for telling the public what is planned. At various Zoom meetings they pretended to listen to the public while at the same time the plans were sent off to the Planners who have now checked them and released them for "public consultation" for 21 days! A total abuse of the democratic process.

The only way to stop this over development is to get the Planners to recommend there should not be a change of use from Commercial to Residential so make sure you raise that point in your objection. Apparently the planner is prepared to receive objections up to the date of the Planning Committee rubber stamping process which is scheduled for the end of the year.

For the official line follows these links:

Inland Homes


Aerial View

Attempt to justify the over development!


View from surrounding streets

Before and after views below

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