Sunday 27 September 2020

The Collective Blackhorse Lane

 Standard Music Venue

Dear Waltham Forest Civic Society,


We would like to provide you with some updates on redevelopment proposals for The Collective Blackhorse Lane (the site of the former Standard Music Venue).


Since the last time we contacted you, we have been progressing on our design proposals. We also consulted the local community throughout June and July. Over 200 local residents have responded to the postal and online surveys with 73% agreeing that the new cultural venue will benefit the local community. More than 2,000 individuals visited our website during the consultation period. In addition, we met with numerous local groups and businesses leading up to this process and will continue to liaise with these groups during the application’s determination.


We have now submitted a planning application to the London Borough of Waltham Forest (application ID: 202561) and we are committed to continuing working with the local community and stakeholders.


Our proposals for a new mixed-use development will include:


  • 766 sqm cultural venue with a capacity of c.350 people
  • 362 sqm publicly accessible café/restaurant
  • 161 sqm publicly accessible bar
  • 300 privately rented and single occupancy co-living rooms
  • 164 long-stay cycle parking spaces and 20 short-stay cycle parking spaces
  • 45 new job opportunities supported by the building operation
  • 175 construction jobs
  • 9 storeys including basement level (ground + 8 storeys)


Our proposals for The Collective Blackhorse Lane will also include a dedicated Community Investment Programme. This programme, currently being drafted, has been informed by discussions with local groups and businesses, including Big Creative Education, The Blair Academy, Project Zero Waltham Forest and Blackhorse Arts.


The programme will include a range of initiatives and partnership ideas with local stakeholders. Some of our initial ideas include offering free performance space to local groups and providing working opportunities for local young people in the new cultural venue.


As always, we are particularly keen to speak with you to understand how our proposals could best align with local priorities. We would also welcome the opportunity for further discussions to help shape the details of our Community Investment Programme.


If you would like to discuss anything which has been raised above in more detail with us, please do not hesitate to contact us at thecollectiveblackhorse@kandaconsulting.co.uk or call 0203 900 3676.


Yours sincerely,


Kind regards,


Timothy Chan


The Collective Blackhorse Lane


W | www.thecollectiveblackhorselane.com

E  | thecollectiveblackhorse@kandaconsulting.co.uk

T  |  0203 900 3676


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