Sunday 27 September 2020

WF Streets for All


Streets for All

Hello again everyone

Thanks to those of you who responded to previous email volunteering to deliver leaflets ... much appreciated

However we are still looking for volunteer(s) to participate in the Pan London campaign. People willing to "attend" a fortnightly zoom meeting and/or to be on WhatsApp list. Please come forward :-)

Also we need to increase the number of objections to the Hilltop road closures in the next few weeks. We are aiming to get more than 180 0bjections in .... which is the number of people we think voted FOR the road closures.

So please

  1. Write your own objection if you live, work or visit the area. Guidance attached again
  2. Persuade neighbours and contacts to object also
New post on our website that may be of interest ....  https://wfstreets4all.wixsite.com/home/single-post/let-s-look-forward-not-backward    Press seem to be waking up to the problems at last

thanks all


LTNs  (Low Traffic Neighbourhoods) are being introduced without any consultation under Covid legislation across London.

This is provoking a London wide backlash as roads are being closed all over. 

New groups are springing up in nearly every borough violently opposed to the road closures. At present they are full of fire and enthusiasm and thinking that demonstrations and petitions will get the roads re-opened. Islington has managed to have big demonstrations every Saturday! This has not really worked for us so far in Waltham Forest. We have had the biggest demonstration ever seen in the borough. We have had a petition of over 6,000 signatures presented in the London Assembly. We have worked tirelessly to counter the proposals. Our Council has ignored everything. However WE FIGHT ON!!  Maybe having all these new groups springing up will start to change things! Also we are starting to see some of the emergency services coming forward and saying road closures cause delays. https://wfstreets4all.wixsite.com/home/single-post/2020/08/17/Paramedics-confirm-road-closures-cause-delays

It is VERY encouraging to see thousands more people joining in the argument and understanding that road closures do NOT help produce cleaner air, but on the contrary divert traffic onto adjoining roads which become even more polluted and congested. And air tends to move around! One of the key arguments the new groups are using is how the LTNs are discriminatory to roads immediately adjacent to the closures, where the tendency is for less wealthy communities to live. They are campaigning for social justice. They are setting up a Pan London group. This group is currently meeting on zoom every Wednesday, and each borough is allowed 2 reps. If anyone is keen to participate please email us. They are planning a London wide demonstration ... possibly on 12th September. Maybe we should prepare a banner 🤔  We still have the placards from previous demos. Again let us know if you are likely to want to participate.

Currently in Waltham Forest we are trying to get as many people in the borough as possible to make official objections to the Experimental Traffic Orders which the Council is using to implement road closures. We have leafletted / will leaflet everyone within the so-called Hilltop area.  We estimate that 183 voted in favour of road closures out of 1,221. It would be great to get more than 183 objections!!  Thanks so all those who have helped with the leafleting, and thanks to everyone who has already taken the time to object. Please keep up the good work!

Leaflet is attached. We also think it is reasonable for anyone living just outside the area to object, as presumably they are experiencing problems also.

Please make sure you object yourselves, and also encourage neighbours to do so. Please ask them to copy us in; we know that the Council often "mislays" objections. 

You need to include:-

For Hilltop this is T26(20)   

The Council has just published MORE road closure plans ....for Coppermill Lane area and for Leytonstone. The Notices are attached, and can be accessed at https://www.walthamforest.gov.uk/content/road-traffic-schemes-and-consultations  Thanks to Steve for keeping a watchful eye on this for us.  If you would like us to produce HOW TO OBJECT leaflets for your area let us know .... we cannot afford to have any more printed, but you can circulate them on social media or print them yourselves.

Thanks everyone!



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