Monday 26 October 2020

Streets for All

 Streets for All

Hello everyone

Just attended the One London zoom meeting.

  1. Several campaign groups are considering Judicial Reviews against the LTN Covid road closures. It is recommended that anyone who does so does it under the Arhus convention which restricts the costs you might be liable for. 
  2. Lots are writing letters to Grant Shapps and others. 
  3. There is a petition to get the issue of road closures debated in Parliament .... a sub-group are working on the wording now. Will let you all know as soon as it is published so you can all sign.
  4. The proposed London wide demo is not going ahead just now because of the Covid situation
  5. Freedom of Information requests. All the campaign groups are putting in FOIs in their local areas particularly about emergency services. It is recommended that anyone putting in an FOI uses the "what do they know" website as this will record all the requests for the public to view and allow sharing and tracking. https://www.whatdotheyknow.com
  6. Mayor's question time is on November 12th
    Only Assembly Members can put questions to the Mayor at Mayor's Question Time, but you can suggest a question to be asked by emailing suggestaquestion@london.gov.uk.

    We should send questions via our Assembly Member Jennette Arnold. If you remember Jennette presented our original 6,000 plus petition in the Assembly for us.

The WFS4A committee is still not meeting in person due to ongoing Covid restrictions and concerns. However we are still working!!
  1. Steve is writing various letters and articles for the national press
  2. Wendy is holding forth on social media and liaising with other boroughs. Anyone who would like to tweet from our twitter account for a bit let me know! Also if any of you are on facebook but not included in our private FB group, again let me know and I will add you
  3. Trevor is looking into pollution issues, and possible hypocrisies in relation to the proposed new incinerator.
  4. Christine has been delivering leaflets  (as has Iraah and Pam)
We still need your help in getting in more objections to the Hilltop road closures. You will remember that Stay Together tried to get lots of objections in to their road closures in Leyton. Now we are trying to get more objections than votes in favour. So please if you live, work or visit the Hilltop area (map attached) or know anyone who does .... let them have the attached guidance and encourage them to write and object and copy us in.  THANK YOU!! and many thanks to all those who have put their objections in already

A new disability FB group has been set up called Disability Voice. If any of you have a disability or know anyone in the borough who does and would like to get their voice heard on disability issues ask to join https://www.facebook.com/groups/645426479415945



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