Monday 28 December 2020

Forest Road Development Corridor - Update

 Here is the latest view of the Forest Road Development Corridor

Wood Street Library site starting demolition

Proposed new building at 11 storeys

View of new building at junction of Forest Road and Wood Street

Willow House - waiting plans for new tower block

Homebase now closed - waiting demolition

New traffic obstacle course - winner to knock down all the posts gets free parking for a year!
Why 2 cycle paths?  or more to the point why waste public money on a second cycle path when the first one was perfectly adequate; once they changed the lanes and put pedestrians on the inside.

New Yellow Box obstacle course - hit these and you get a prize of an electric car!

Oh we didn't see the shops so hadn't allowed for deliveries!

Oh dear knocked over already - hope us Council Tax payers will be reimbursed!

Hope no cycle parks on the double yellow line.

Another obstacle to negotiate when turning out of a side street

Time to set an obstacle for bus passengers - see if they can walk into an e-scoter as it goes past

Now to make life harder for bus drivers - no bus layby to turn into anymore

Heritage Area - add to Local Plan

 Just for the record, here is the main Policy response that we sent in today re the draft Local Plan from Love Lea Bridge. It was very difficult to compile and we decided to home in on just one Golden Thread – the one about developments supporting infrastructure.


We also put in this separate item about Heritage Assets simply as a kind of Marker.


Policy 76: Non-designated Heritage Assets


We propose that the following area is included as a Heritage Asset:


The Low Leyton Lea Marsh Historical Centre. It would include:


  • The Lammas Lands of Marsh Lane (Leyton Jubilee Park) – see the Park’s detailed history document compiled in c2016.
  • The Marsh Lane Cottage with Lammas Plaque
  • The Marsh Lane cottage previously the Reeve’s cottage
  • The ancient Right of Way across Leyton Marsh
  • The historically significant Antelope Pub.
  • The Godsalves Mansion
  • Etloe House and the Ice House
  • The potential Roman Road of Park Road
  • The 17th and 18th century properties in Capworth Street – the Walthamstow Slip
  • Leyton House in Church Road
  • The almshouses
  • St Marys church
  • The Ive Farm site


I think there was once a Heritage area around St Mary’s Leyton and the almshouses but it doesn’t seem to be promoted by the Borough any more.

The event that has triggered this enthusiasm off has been the campaign to save The Antelope pub (Church Road) which is connected to the Great Revolt of the Lammas Lands.


Godsalves mansion also Church Road E10 is possibly going to emerge archaeologically when the proposed Estate Way development starts.


Thanks again for circulating the Orient Way Footbridge campaign petition. Signatures are now at around 750!


Best wishes,



Chingford Green Conservation Area review.


Hope this email finds you well?


It’s been some time since we last spoke, but I’m getting in touch to alert you to the public consultation on the revised Chingford Green Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan. The consultation starts today and lasts until the end of January 2021, and the revised document can be found online here - 



Do let me know if you have any questions or queries, and I look forward to hearing from you and the Civic Society in due course.


Best wishes,


Mike Fox

Conservation Officer (Historic Buildings)

Economic Growth and Housing Delivery

London Borough of Waltham Forest | Magistrates Court | Town Hall Complex | Forest Road | London  E17 4JF

Email address: mike.fox@walthamforest.gov.uk   Tel: 020 8496 6737

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: cid:image005.png@01D036FB.A54B2180Twitter: @wfcouncil    Website: www.walthamforest.gov.uk

Chingford Green Management Plan

Gas Works and Standard Music Venue Approved

" Following extensive public engagement by the developer and Waltham Forest Council’s statutory consultation a decision on the future of the Lea Bridge Gasworks site took place this week.

On Tuesday 1 December 2020, planning application, reference number 201329, for the development of a new pre-school nursery, 573 new homes, including 158 affordable homes, walking and cycling routes and around two acres of new landscaping was discussed by the Planning Committee.

The Committee unanimously resolved to approve the application subject to conditions and legal agreements.

The scheme, along with proposed conditions, will now be considered by the Greater London Authority."

Online Planning Committee Meeting

LBWF Regeneration

1 Blackhorse Lane - Standard Music Venue

Standard - more info

Sunday 27 December 2020

Palmerston Road Fox

 Here is another amazing mural, this time on the side of the houses that were built beside St Michael's church on the site of the car park in Palmerston Road.








Orient Way Foot Bridge

 Some years ago there were plans to demolish the footbridge to the marches, but a huge campaign developed with over 200 people attending a public meeting and the authorities were forced to refurbish it. Now it needs some proper maintenance and again the authorities are not getting on and doing the work. As we can't hold public meetings a petition has been set up to try and get the urgent work done. With over 1000 new homes being created in the area it is vital this bridge is kept in good order as it will be needed more in the future than ever!


Save Lea Marshes and Ice Centre

 Review of 2020

The battle to stop the expansion of the Ice Rink has been lost and work has started on clearing the site ready for the new 2 pad ice rink.

LBWF Ice Regeneration

LVRPA update

LBWF Families and Homes Hub - Update 4

 The architects have amended their plans for the building to replace the former library due to representations from the public. Instead of one 9 storey block it is now going to be 2 buildings. A 2 storey block for the Families and Homes Hub and an 11 storey for 67 flats. As it has gone higher the GLA has to be consulted.

Stringent rules have been put in place to control access to the building site and the hours the builders can work.

LBWF info

Architects proposals

Construction Logistics Plan

Demolition Plans

LBWF Families and Homes

Scaffolding in place and demolition starting.

Wednesday 16 December 2020

Forest Road Corridor

 The council keep on referring to the development opportunities along the Forest Road Corridor. Here in pictures are what they are referring to including the Mini-Hollandising of Forest Road by removing the bus lay byes, that enable the buses to control the traffic flow!