Monday 28 December 2020

Heritage Area - add to Local Plan

 Just for the record, here is the main Policy response that we sent in today re the draft Local Plan from Love Lea Bridge. It was very difficult to compile and we decided to home in on just one Golden Thread – the one about developments supporting infrastructure.


We also put in this separate item about Heritage Assets simply as a kind of Marker.


Policy 76: Non-designated Heritage Assets


We propose that the following area is included as a Heritage Asset:


The Low Leyton Lea Marsh Historical Centre. It would include:


  • The Lammas Lands of Marsh Lane (Leyton Jubilee Park) – see the Park’s detailed history document compiled in c2016.
  • The Marsh Lane Cottage with Lammas Plaque
  • The Marsh Lane cottage previously the Reeve’s cottage
  • The ancient Right of Way across Leyton Marsh
  • The historically significant Antelope Pub.
  • The Godsalves Mansion
  • Etloe House and the Ice House
  • The potential Roman Road of Park Road
  • The 17th and 18th century properties in Capworth Street – the Walthamstow Slip
  • Leyton House in Church Road
  • The almshouses
  • St Marys church
  • The Ive Farm site


I think there was once a Heritage area around St Mary’s Leyton and the almshouses but it doesn’t seem to be promoted by the Borough any more.

The event that has triggered this enthusiasm off has been the campaign to save The Antelope pub (Church Road) which is connected to the Great Revolt of the Lammas Lands.


Godsalves mansion also Church Road E10 is possibly going to emerge archaeologically when the proposed Estate Way development starts.


Thanks again for circulating the Orient Way Footbridge campaign petition. Signatures are now at around 750!


Best wishes,



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