Monday 22 February 2021

A4W Update


Letter to MPs

Updated design for hospital

Good morning, 

RE: Redevelopment of Whipps Cross Hospital 


We previously wrote to you on 20 November 2020 as we launched a significant consultation with our staff and local people seeking feedback and ideas on emerging designs for a brand new Whipps Cross Hospital and the redevelopment of the wider site. 


We are writing to you again now – as we launch the second phase of consultation - to share our updated designs which have been further developed, following the valuable feedback we received from staff, local people and hospital users. 


Our plans aim to transform the area by creating a new, state-of-the-art NHS hospital, surrounded by green spaces, with improved access to the site and re-establishing its connection to its setting in Epping Forest.  


A new hospital at Whipps Cross, providing the same core NHS services as today, including emergency care and maternity, will offer improved modern facilities, in better surroundings, for the whole community. A flexible hospital design, able to adapt to future healthcare demands, will have more clinical space for doctors, nurses and other health professionals to treat patients within an environment of improved care and wellbeing.  


The updated designs we are sharing with you today build on our ‘hospital in a garden and a garden in a hospital’ vision for Whipps Cross, previously set out in November.  


We have incorporated feedback from staff and from local people in the latest designs. We have made changes to ensure the hospital has space on the site to expand in the future, if that proves necessary. Also, the most valued parts of the existing buildings will be retained, including the old chapel, to give this part of the site a new lease of life in the future. This will be part of the wider development of the site, to create a new neighbourhood with homes and community facilities. The revised proposals also include a new landscaped route through the site and a new park, creating a stronger ‘green’ connection between the hospital and the forest. Finally, we have also developed our plans to improve car parking on the site, including, subject to planning permission, the construction of a 500-space multi-storey car park to be completed ahead of the construction of the new hospital. 


We have undertaken wide engagement with patients, staff, the public and their representatives to get to this stage. Through this second phase of consultation, we are seeking views on the updated designs for the hospital, car parking and outline plans for the development of the wider Whipps Cross site. 


We value your feedback on these updated designs, which will help us to shape the proposals further before we submit planning applications to Waltham Forest Council this spring. 


Attached is our latest information booklet that is being published on our website and distributed widely to local residents. It provides details of our updated designs and how we have responded to people’s feedback. Further information about our vision, the story so far, the proposed designs, and other materials can also be found on our website bartshealth.nhs.uk/future-whipps 

Please share any feedback you have on the updated proposals by contacting us or completing our online survey: https://future-whipps-survey.co.uk/ 


To find out more about the plans, ask any questions and give your feedback you are also welcome to join one of our online discussion meetings. These are taking place on: 

  • Saturday 27 February, 10.30am-11.30am 
  • Tuesday 2 March, 12pm-1pm 
  • Thursday 4 March, 6.30pm-7.30pm 

To register your attendance, please visit whipps-cross-development2.eventbrite.co.uk 

In the meantime, if you have any questions regarding the proposals, please get in touch with Lottie Colquhoun on 020 7612 8481, or via our dedicated email address at FutureWhipps.BartsHealth@nhs.net 


Yours sincerely, 


The Whipps Cross Redevelopment Team 

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