Monday 22 February 2021

SAVE - a lecture about tall buildings

 Subject: SAVE EVENT: Lessons from Manchester - why tall buildings matter - 24th February 2021


Lessons from Manchester:
why tall buildings matter 

24th February 2021, 11am - 11:45pm
Online event

Starting from SAVE Britain's Heritage's valiant stand against the Footballers' Tower in central Manchester, Professor Michael Hebbert will explore the forces underlying the city's present skyscraper boom and - once the tower-cranes have done their work - the disturbing implications for heritage, liveability and the environment. Professor Hebbert is Chair of Town Planning at the University of Manchester and an Emeritus Professor of UCL's Bartlett School of Planning.  

Tickets are complimentary for our Saviours / £5 for Friends / £6 for Members of the Public. To find out more about supporting SAVE and receiving discounts on future events please visit our website.

The event will be taking place online via Zoom. Please ensure that you have the software downloaded prior to the event - click here for more information.

If you have any questions please contact our Fundraising and Events Officer, Jo Wright by email at joanna.wright@savebritainsheritage.org.

We hope to see you there!

Top Image: Hodder's 40-storey St Michael's Tower will soon join Manchester's skyline [Planning Documents]
Bottom Image: Before and after views from Albert Square of St Michael's Tower in the setting of the grade I listed Albert Memorial [Planning Documents]
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