Saturday 13 March 2021

WF People's Assembly


An invitation!

People Power & Community Democracy

Saturday 10th April, 10am-1pm (online, via Zoom)

Dear Waltham Forest Community Member,

We hope you are keeping safe and well.

Here at Waltham Forest Peoples Assembly we’ve taken some time to rest over the winter and think about how our work in 2021 can be meaningful to the whole Waltham Forest community. We hope you are keen to spread the word about how people's assemblies can give voices to communities more fairly and respectfully, too!

We would like to start the new series by inviting you to discuss the question:

How might we spread awareness and gain support for the CEE Bill (Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill) from our elected representatives?

Sign up here

Background: The CEE Bill (Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill) has already been tabled in parliament and now needs the support from elected officials, community groups and individuals to succeed. Don’t worry if you haven’t heard about this bill before - we will invite speakers from the campaign to explain it at the people's assembly. We’ve also invited some local community group leaders to talk about how the CEE Bill could benefit Waltham Forest, should it be passed into law.

We have decided to focus on the CEE Bill in our first People’s Assembly this year because as we are moving out of the pandemic and the government is making decisions on how to spend public money it is important that we make sure that the government acts on the climate and ecological emergency. 

For a 2 minute overview, you can watch this video:


And more information is available at the www.ceebill.uk 

We’d love to hear your thoughts about the CEE Bill and work together to encourage our local representatives and community groups to commit their support to the bill. 

Sign up to be a part of the people's assembly here: 


Tell your local friends on social media about the assembly here: www.facebook.com/events/367525917890529

Finally, if you think you’d like to present at the people's assembly, along with the other speakers, please get in touch with us at walthamforestpeople@protonmail.com. We will be ensuring speakers come from a range of backgrounds and perspectives and it’s important that presentations are focused on the topic of the people's assembly.

We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you for the people's assembly in April!

Kind regards,

Waltham Forest Peoples Assembly


Extinction Rebellion Waltham Forest

Email: walthamforestpeople@protonmail.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PeoplesAssemblyWalthamForest 

Twitter: https://twitter.com/PAwalthamforest 

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