Thursday 8 July 2021

Uplands Business Park Redevelopment


Blackrock purchase



I hope you are all well. 


I am writing to inform you that BlackRock, the owner of Uplands Business Park, have partnered with NEAT Developments, to bring forward proposals for the phased redevelopment of the site.  


The potential redevelopment of Uplands Business Park represents an exciting opportunity to regenerate and transform the area to further enhance it as a key asset for the local community and Waltham Forest. 


Our initial proposals centre around re-providing and enhancing the area’s industrial space whilst creating a new, mixed-use neighbourhood that will create engaging spaces to generate vibrancy in the locality, including new homes, shops, jobs and public spaces. The proposals will support the area in providing much-needed new jobs and activities, all key in encouraging sustainable growth following Covid-19. 


The first public consultation sessions will be held on 15th and 17th July, please find further details on the attached consultation flyer.  As a key stakeholder for the local area, we would like the opportunity to brief you on these proposals ahead of the in-person community consultation events. We can organise a briefing either in-person or digitally, whichever you are more comfortable with, to discuss the vision for the site moving forward and how this fits with the council’s emerging plans for the area. 


This is the first phase of consultation before further sessions later in the year. Our aim is to submit a planning application to Waltham Forest Council at the end of 2021. 


Please do let me know if you would like to meet and I’d be happy to arrange. 


I look forward to hearing from you.




Luke Tatton

Account Director

M: 07825 758 243




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