Tuesday 27 September 2022

Town Centre Playground

 As the developers of the Town Centre have shown no interest in involving the community in  this development or keeping the public updated on their progress it is down to the community to demand something from this outdated scheme. Contact your local Councillors and ask them to insist the developers create a new playground for children NOW. The Town Centre will remain a building site for over 5 years which means the planned new playground will not be completed before 2027 at the earliest.

The existing playground is worn out, outdated and too small for the number of users it has. Kept in its current state it will put carers off coming to the playground and why should they want to shop in a noisy building site?

The Councillors must demand a temporary high quality replacement for the current playground or its complete refurbishment NOW.

It already seems to have little use as it is in such poor condition and the ground cover is a real trip hazard. It has been heavily used but now needs to be brought back up to a modern standed so that it is a real attraction - we can't wait over 5 years for the final fountains and play area to be built.

This is the state it is in.......................


  1. It's needs to be rebuilt

  2. It desperately needs rebuilding. To say Walthamstow is meant to be ‘ up and coming’ I’ve lived here for 2 years now and I’ve seen nothing of the sort.
    The playground is a mess. Walthamstow is no place to bring up children if this is what it has to offer.

    1. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Aalthamstow has been up and coming for 15 year's. Thankfully it is starting to "up and come", but positively keeping lots of its culture and locals.

  3. Is it even legal to have it open , the ground is dangerous.

  4. This is shocking that over many years nothing has been done for this playground to refurbish. The horrible state of this area last for the past 5 years. Shame on local authorities that nothing is getting done to the main playground in the hart of Walthamstow!

  5. The whole market has deteriorated over the past 20 years not the last few months

  6. Please please make this playground better and more useable even better turn it into a splash park for the kids

  7. You guys should have an Instagram page and post there


All comments welcome - but please be polite!