Friday 30 June 2023

Save the Margaret Centre


Save the Margaret Centre
Click here to sign our petition
  • The Margaret Centre is a specialist inpatient unit which provides end of life and palliative care. While similar to a hospice it is run by the NHS and is part of Whipps Cross Hospital. It's widely praised by those whose loved ones have spent their last days there.
  • But when the new hospital is built, the Margaret Centre will be demolished, and the land sold for housing.
  • The North East London Integrated Care Board (ICB) is a new health organisation which is responsible for commissioning end of life and palliative care services. It is doing a review of options for end of life care in the Whipps Cross catchment area. The options will be put to us - the public - in a public consultation in the Autumn 2023
Action4Whipps is campaigning for the ICB to include in the options the re-provision of the Margaret Centre on the new Whipps Cross Hospital site. But there's a real risk it won't be one of the options.
If that happens, we'll lose the Margaret Centre.
So please sign & share widely
Click here to sign our petition
Many thanks
Eva Turner
on behalf of A4W
Copyright © 2023 Waltham Forest Save Our NHS, All rights reserved.

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