Friday 11 August 2023

Town Centre - Topping Out


The lift shaft and core for the 34 storey tower block has reached its final height. Despite Grenfell it only has a single staircase. Work on the 27 storey tower is just starting so by October 2023 both shafts will be up.  They are using a modular design which means TIDE CONSTRUCTION will have each flat constructed off site in a factory and brought to Walthamstow by road to bolt onto the side of the core. This speeds up the construction process so by June 2025 the blocks will be completed. We wait to see as SKYLINE (Jupiter House) and PATCHWORKS (Homebase) both seem to be significantly behind schedule!

Do the Fire Regulations adequately cover this type of design, especially as the Grenfell Inquiry still has to report? The GLA and the Mayor have insisted any NEW PLANS for residential buildings above 30m should have 2 staircases, but this site slipped over the line before the new regulations came into effect.

A major benefit of this scheme is a new STATION ENTRANCE to the Victoria line, but TfL's funding dropped during Covid and they have reallocated the money for this scheme elsewhere, which means London Tranpsort still has to find the MONEY to build the new station. This has meant LBWF trying to raise the funds. As far as we are aware the money to dig the hole to the Victoria Line platforms is in place and a contractor is to be appointed for the work. But the funds for fitting out the station still have not been agreed. Work must start on the hole by 2025 otherwise the whole scheme will have to be delayed!

If the deadline of June 2025 is met this is how the street scene will change in Walthamstow.

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