Monday 18 September 2023

Bin Collection - new strategy


A new bin strategy is being develpoped by Cllr Loakes and he will shortly be presenting it to the Cabinet. Basically black bins will be his latest target with collections being reduced to once a fortnight.

WF Echo

WF Recycling Strategy

Climate Scrutiny Committee

From Cllr Loakes:

I just wanted to let you know about some exciting and positive developments in local recycling initiatives over the last couple of weeks.


Waltham Forest Recycling Strategy

Last night I took our proposed 'Recycling Strategy' to our Climate Scrutiny Committee, for views, comments and recommendations, before taking it to Cabinet in a couple of weeks' time. 


The discussions were extensive and I'm really grateful to Labour Cllrs on the Committee for the depth and range of questions and issues they raised. In fact, I'd suggest in my 20+ years of taking issues to scrutiny in Waltham Forest, it was probably the most comprehensive and professional session I've ever had the experience of taking part in. 


Why was that so important? Well the Recycling Strategy contains, amongst other things, our proposals to roll out across the borough weekly, separate food waste collections and move to fortnightly collections for residual waste for street-based properties only. This move is designed to increase our recycling rates as per the Environment Act 2021 - with the introduction of separate food waste collections - and reduce our residual waste tonnages. It will also be one of the biggest universal service changes we have introduced in the borough for well over 20 years. You may also remember this initiative from our manifesto. Delivering this change to recycling in the community is something we deeply believe in, and with our huge success in 2022, we know it matters for residents too. 


We still have a lot of work to do and a huge amount of engagement and communications with residents is planned, as clearly this is not something that can be rolled out overnight. 


Following Cabinet approval - I hope - in a couple of weeks' time I'll send out further details.


You can read the Cabinet Report and the 'Recycling Strategy' here and even more information on it here


Disposal Vapes

You can read my letter as Chair of the North London Waste Authority, to DEFRA Secretary of State Therese Coffey on disposable vapes here. It calls for a ban on them rightly on environmental grounds. Since my letter was sent it appears speculation is mounting that a ban is set to be announced, probably on health grounds. To be honest whether it's environmental or health grounds as long as they are banned I consider that a clear 'win'! 


So fingers crossed for some positive news in this space over the coming week or two!


Hard Plastic Recycling

In a 6-month trial the NLWA has recycled over 40tonnes of ‘hard plastic’ at two of its ‘Recycling & Reuse Centres’ (RRC), across the North London area. As a result of this huge and unexpected very early success, we’ve now rolled out this opportunity to recycle ‘hard plastic’ to South Access Rd RRC in Walthamstow! 


This kind of plastic 'hard plastic' refers to includes plant pots, garden furniture, children's toys etc. So please spread the word amongst friends and neighbours!


DIY Reuse

Just an update that so far South Access Rd RRC and a RRC in Barnet have together saved 25tonnes of DIY building materials from the 'hardcore skip' so far this area. This again is exceeding expectations. 


This is an opportunity for residents to drop off those extra 8 tiles, 6 bricks, 2 slabs etc from a domestic DIY project, so that someone else can use them to finish off their DIY project. All DIY materials are available to collect for free. 


We are looking at how we can roll this out further and how we can promote what is available for residents to take.


Again, spread the word!


Polystyrene Recycling

In the last 18 months the NLWA has recycled, with resident's help, polystyrene the equivalent in volume of 5 double decker buses from its network of public RRCs! Thank you!


Carpet Recycling

The NLWA with Waltham Forest clear support has begun to investigate whether we have the capacity and opportunity to now consider providing carpet recycling. This is a really exciting development and I'll keep you informed as to how that starts to look and feel, over the coming months.


Blister Pack Recycling

I have again written out to all pharmacies in Waltham Forest with an offer to request they begin to offer blister pack recycling opportunities in their shops. To help encourage and incentivise, this time the Council has indicated it will help fund the required infrastructure to help deal with the recycling of this light, but difficult to recycle packaging. 


I'll keep you posted on developments.


I hope this substantial round up on a range of recycling initiatives that we are leading on or closely involved in has been useful. What it clearly does show is that Labour-led Waltham Forest is continuing to push the boundaries, pioneer and provide the leadership whilst the Tory Government continues to dither and delay on a range of waste and recycling related policies, that it has been sitting on for years.


With best wishes,

Cllr Clyde Loakes, Deputy Leader and Cabinet lead for Climate and Air Quality

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