Monday 18 September 2023

Wilko Redevelopment

 BBC News Update

The Local Plan has identified the Wilko store in Walthamstow High Street as a possible development site. Until the decision is finally made it is impossible to know what will happen, but if a developer buys the site the council will welcome them with open arms and this brief:



  1. No doubt this will be sold to property developers. The borough plan seems to identifies shops, garages, swimming pools , gardenn centres industrial areas , as area to build flats. People need more coffee shops nd pop up art galleries to live.

  2. Agree totally. There's hardly anything left people need like a swimming pool , buying furniture, wall paint.
    When I moved to leytonstone 40 years ago from inner London you could buy everything on the High street from school shoes, to a three piece suite, oven , child's bicycle ,a triby hat . The quality of life has greatly deteriorated and expensive PR and spin will only fool some of tbe people some of the time.


All comments welcome - but please be polite!