Tuesday 6 November 2012

London Design Review

London Design Review, a design review framework for London.
Following a formal launch on 27 September at Design Council's Angel Offices, the new London Design Review Panel went live. The launch was part of a larger event to promote good urban design amongst London planning professionals, in partnership with the RTPI, NLA and Design for London.
Cabe’s new London Design Review Panel completes the affiliated network of design review panels, ensuring the availability of support services to all local authorities across England.
Following the advice of the Bishop Review, Cabe is establishing a comprehensive design review framework, for all local authorities across London, capable of meeting the recommendations for Design Review, as outlined within the National Planning Policy Framework.
The new panel is a collaborative project, which works with London Boroughs to raise the quality of design and add value to emerging development proposals. Design Council Cabe delivers this new support through its network of over 250 Built Environment Experts.
A number of boroughs have already signed a Memorandum of Understanding, which establishes their relationship with Cabe and underscores a commitment to good design. Nahid Majid (Director of Cabe) and Wandsworth’s Head of Planning formally signed their commitment to joint working on Wednesday 31 October, at the launch of Wandsworth’s own borough panel.
For further information contact Alan Thompson – Head of Design Review.

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