Tuesday 6 November 2012

News From Nowhere Club

You are invited to our next meeting on
Saturday 10th November 2012
at the Epicentre, West Street E11 4LJ

Young Historians in Leyton
Take to the Street!

Chair: Professor Peter Hennessy
Speakers: Martin Spafford, inspirational history teacher, and Young People
History students at George Mitchell School in Leyton regularly get involved in projects aiming to bring history alive. Some of these have taken them to the heart of controversial political & social issues. In 1995 a class of 12 year olds, including refugees from Somalia & Turkish Kurdistan, decided to explore the reasons why refugees came here & how they were treated by immigration authorities & schools. They worked on the project for four years; the film they made won awards while their drama was acted in schools, universities & in front of Parliament. Those children are now aged 30 & still see the project as having had a profound effect on their lives. Together with Martin, their former teacher, they will show extracts from the film & discuss the impact of ‘Why?’ They are joined by 16 year olds who in 2010 worked with academic historians on the Battle of Cable Street, producing a film exploring the value of protest & whether multi-culturalism has ’failed’.

Free entry
7.30pm Buffet (please bring something if you can) Speakers: 8pm
www.newsfromnowhereclub.org   Enquiries 0208 555 5248

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