Friday 23 November 2012

Transition Walthamstow

Transition Walthamstow

Transition Walthamstow is rounding off the year with 3 more events over the next 2 weeks: the film "A Farm for the Future" on Sat 24th Nov, a Living on Less skillshare on Wed 28 Nov, and on 5th Dec our Heart & Soul Group.
We are also exploring setting up a wholefood buying group, and are taking bookings for our free Draughtbusting Workshop on Sun 20th Jan.

  • Screening of “A Farm for Future” : 7.30pm Sat 24th November at the Hornbeam Centre. An exploration of the heavy oil dependency of current mainstream farming practices, and identification of a practical sustainable alternative. The film will be followed by a cup of tea and a discussion. Full details here.
  • “Living for less” Skillshare: 7pm Weds 28th November at the Hornbeam Centre. Join us as we leap nimbly off the relentlessly revolving hamster wheel of struggle to earn more to make ends meet, and instead take some time to learn and share how we can cut our costs and reduce our environmental impact. Full details here.
  • Heart & Soul Group: 7pm Weds 7th November at the Hornbeam Centre. The transition to a future with less oil and natural resources will be challenging at times, but much easier if we can tap into that deep and sustainable source of happiness within us and our communities. For the Transition Heart and Soul group love, fellowship and service underpin the Transition vision. Meet like minded souls, and share a meditation and common values over a cup of tea. More information here.
Draughtbusting workshop
We ran 2 free draughtbusting workshops earlier this year and are now taking bookings for the next one to be held 2-4pm on 20th January 2013 at the Hornbeam Centre. The aims of our workshops are to:
  • give local residents the skills & confidence to install draught proofing for doors and windows in their home, by giving them hands-on practice at the workshop,
  • offer advice on where to get low cost & high quality draughtproofing materials, and
  • reduce domestic energy loss and heating bills.
More details, and how to book here... but don't delay as places are limited to the first 10 to sign up.

Wholefood buying group
We are considering setting up a buying group to enable us to get better access to good food. It would enable us to put in a large order for food and other household items to the Suma wholefood cooperative, and be able to buy at wholesale prices. If you are interested in becoming a member, then have a look here.

Finally, if you are tempted by our 'Living on Less' skillshare, then you might want to also consider checking out Stella Creasy's Family Finances Fair which features many local organisations with the aim of helping 'local residents save money and get a better deal on their household bills'. It will be held 10.30 - 4pm this Sat 24th Nov at Mission Grove School on Buxton Road.
Paul Gasson, on behalf of the Steering Group,
Transition Walthamstow

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