Saturday 9 February 2013

Marsh Lane Bridge

Planning Application 2013/0085

Why does the council want to replace the bridge leading into Marsh Lane or now the Jubilee Park?

Katy has  some questions:

Not content with removing the bridge that was put in there, to encourage pupils to cycle to the Lammas School, as part of the Safer Routes to School scheme (I was assured by Mr Prud'homme of LBWF that there was nothing wrong with it) , it now seems our mad Borough wish to make this bridge even more dangerous by replacing it with one access for both pedestrians and motor vehicles.

My warning antennae are vibrating and flashing red!
This looks to me to be quite simply a road-widening exercise!
Those of us who remember the great RATs (Residents Against Traffic) and STORRM (Stop This 'Orrible Relief Road Madness) 11-year campaign against the Leyton Freight Road (sanitised as "relief road" and now named Orient Way) will recall that the spark that lit the fuse of revolt in Clementina Road was the threat of connecting Marsh Lane (an unadopted road classified as a bridlepath and customary right of way) to the freight road across Marsh Lane Fields.

This new planning application serms to be the first step towards realising Cllr Terry Wheeler's dream - unveiled at a meeting between borough officers and NLLDC representatives to discuss the Northern Olympic Fringe in August 2010 - of building new three-storey flats on Seymour Fields, which are subject to the Lammas Rights commutation legislation covenant of 1905. In 2010 Wheeler said this was necessary to get Lea Bridge Station re-opened - not an argument that would wash now, and which NLLDC unequivocally rejected then.

This application needs to be strenuously opposed. If there is a reason for replacing the bridge/s then so be it, but no shared use and no more road-building by stealth across our Marshes!!


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