Saturday 9 February 2013

Sustainable Communities Act Meeting

Sustainable Communities Act East London Public Meeting - Thursday 7th March

Local Works are organising an East London public meeting on the Sustainable Communities Act.

Please come along and hear how to use the Act to protect and promote local services, shops, trade and the environment in East London’s communities and create a thriving place to live and work. There will be ample opportunity to ask questions and make comments - we want to involve you. Food and drink will also be provided. Details for the meeting are:

Date:          Thursday 7th March 2012, 7pm to 9pm
Venue:       The Crypt, Christ Church Spitalfields, Commercial Street, London, E1 6LY
Chair:         Mervyn Kohler - Age UK Special Advisor
Speakers:  Cllr Luftur Rahman - Mayor of Tower Hamlets
                        Ruhana Ali - London Citizens Tower Hamlets Community Organiser
                        Khadiru Mahdi - Chief Executive of Tower Hamlets Council for Voluntary Service
                        Stephen Shaw - Local Works National Co-ordinator

The Sustainable Communities Act has produced some great results for communities across the country, from protecting Post Offices in Sheffield to seeing money earned from renewable energy spent locally. However many still do not know about it’s potential - government ministers have even described it as ‘Britain’s best kept secret’. We must change this! Please get involved by coming along.

ACTION - please do the following

  1. Please come along to the meeting and please bring others: friends, neighbours, colleagues etc - the more the better!

  1. Please spread the word locally, contact me for copies of the meeting flyer (view it here) to distribute locally. You can reach me on steve@localworks.org or 020 7239 9053.

This is a free, public event and no booking is required. I look forward to seeing you there!

Yours sincerely

Stephen Shaw
National Co-ordinator
Local Works - promoting the Sustainable Communities Act
office: 020 7278 4443 direct: 020 7239 9053 mobile: 07788 646 933
website: www.localworks.org
address: Local Works, c/o Unlock Democracy, 37 Gray's Inn Rd, London WC1X 8PQ

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