Tuesday 19 March 2013

Sylvia Pankhurst Film

Hello everyone, our first meeting for 2013 will be a showing of a wonderful documentary film on the inspiring life of Sylvia Pankhurst.

The film showing will be introduced by one of the film makers.

This feature length documentary chronicles Sylvia Pankhurst’s life as suffragette and revolutionary socialist. She was imprisoned more than any other suffragette for her tireless campaigning and unlike her mother Emmeline and sister Christabel, who dropped the fight for votes for women to support the 1914 war effort, Sylvia refused to sacrifice the fight for universal suffrage until it was won. Her opposition to the war and her internationalism were and remain exemplary and her bravery in fighting for equality and opposing all misanthropic trends puts her, as one interviewee put it, ‘up there with the angels.’

Entrance fee will be a donation to help pay for room hire, the DVD and publicity.

Please let me know if possible if are attending so I'll get some idea of numbers, and if I need to move to different room. I've attached a flyer, please circulate.


Mobile: 07973 443030

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