Sunday 24 March 2013

Wild Food Walk in Victoria Park

I thought your members might all be interested to know that I am running a couple of small wild food walks in Victoria and Springfield parks this summer .These are with the permission of the parks event management and focus on showing people some of the fascinating plants that exist all around us, not to encourage anyone to start picking and eating lots of things in thier local park. Would it be possible to let your members know? 

Please take a look at my website link below.

Many thanks john


John's walks are in Springfield and Victoria Park not Walthamstow Marsh and he says he has permission. However, the walks cost £25 per head. 

Members might be interested to know that Transition Finsbury Park are running free wildlfe and foraging walks every second Sunday of the month

The next is Sunday, April 14, 2pm – 3pm

Meet at the Castle Climbing Centre, Green Lanes, N4 2HA

Each walk will have a slightly different focus and possibly a different walk leader, but we will always meet outside the
Castle and head along the New River Walk. Sometimes we will be using the London Wildlife Trust Centre and sometimes we will move more briskly and head into Finsbury Park. If you need the contact details of the person leading the walk or for any other information, please call Jo Homan on 07733 330 379.

Please note that the path is not accessible to wheelchairs and that it's tricky to take a bike through the gates. Please wear suitable footwear, in case of mud.

Meet near the front doors to the Castle Climbing Centre. (There is a lovely cafe in the Castle, in case you need refreshments before you the walk - but allow time to sign in.)

The following link takes you to the full programme:


--- In saveleytonmarsh@yahoogroups.co.uk, Jonathan Brind <j@...> wrote:
> If refer you to LVRPA byelaw 

> 4. Protection of structures and plants
> (1) No person shall without reasonable excuse remove from or displace within the ground:
> (a) any barrier, post, seat or implement, or any part of a structure or ornament provided for use in the laying out or maintenance of the ground; or
> (b) any stone, soil or turf or the whole or any part of any plant, shrub or tree.

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