Friday 12 April 2013

Hackney Marsh Update

A big thank you to everyone who has signed our petition to safeguard Hackney Marshes as a green, open space for all to enjoy throughout the year.

Thanks to you we have now exceeded 600 signatures on this petition to Hackney Council! Following this success we have a new target of 1000 signatures and need your help to reach it. Please continue to share this petition with your friends via email, Facebook and Twitter.

The Council have a drop-in session about the proposals on Wednesday 17th April at the Hackney Marshes User Centre (E9 5PF) and we are asking everyone to attend this if they possibly can. We will be attending as a united presence from 6pm to present a copy of this online petition and supplementary paper petitions to the council officials responsible. We will keep the petition open after this date as the Council will still receive notification of each signature added.

To raise awareness of the commercial threat to our marshes and to help fund our campaign to safeguard the whole Lea Marshes area, we will have exclusive T-shirts for sale on the night for £10 - you can find the design here:http://saveleytonmarsh.wordpress.com/2013/03/28/new-campaign-t-shirt/ and all proceeds go to the campaign.
Thanks again for your part in demonstrating the widespread opposition to the Council's plans to commercialise Hackney Marshes. Do keep spreading the word and we hope to see many of you on the evening of Wednesday 17th April.

Very Best Wishes,
Save Lea Marshes group.

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