Friday 12 April 2013

Marsh Lane Bridge - update

Here is the response I received from Keith Hanshaw, Head of Public Realm, about the purpose of the replacement bridge at Marsh Lane. It appears £250k is being spent purely to create a new "landmark gateway" entrance into Leyton Jubilee Park. The council has still not explained what the new bridge will be used for as currently there is very little traffic into the Marsh Lane recreation area so presumably in the future there will be. So how do they justify more heavy vehicles mixing with the students attending Lammas School and the residents wanting to use the recreation land for informal leisure. Is the real plan for large events like firework displays, pop concerts, fairs and circuses etc to make some money from this land? This is important buffer land adjacent to the Lea Valley.

Dear Adrian

I refer to your recent query about the need for the planned works at Marsh Lane Bridge.

The reconstruction of the bridge is part of the on-going redevelopment plans for the Leyton Jubilee Park. A new pavilion and play areas have already been completed and open to the public.

The purpose of the proposed bridge is to create a landmark gateway into the park.

There are currently two bridges at this entrance, one capable of carrying vehicles and a separate footbridge. The existing vehicle bridge is so narrow that larger vehicles often need to scrape the sides of the bridge parapets to get through. The footbridge is at a different angle and not in line with the main entrance into Leyton Jubilee Park. There are, In addition to the two bridges, a number of unsightly utilities pipes cross the brook at this location.

The proposed bridge will replace both existing bridges and allow a single lane controlled access to the park for cyclists and authorised vehicles with the wide footways on both sides for pedestrian access. Artwork panels on the parapets and landscaping to the surrounding area including works to the river banks will further improve the visual aesthetics of the gateway into Leyton Jubilee Park.

I trust this answers your query.

Kind regards


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