Friday 22 November 2013

Civic Voice wants volunteers


We are a small, light footed organisation with few staff and lots to do!
We want to make the best use of all the volunteer expertise in the movement. If you want to help Civic Voice then let us know at info@civicvoice.org.uk. There is plenty going on – from managing memberships and organising meetings to developing websites and researching new campaigns. You may also have particular expertise – on land use planning, listed buildings, volunteers or fundraising for example - which might help other civic societies or experience to share. If you'd like to volunteer locally, please contact your local group. You can find your local group here.
Civic Voice is run on a shoestring of just two staff and depends on volunteer support to be effective. We have received a number of enquiries from people wanting to know how to volunteer. The following opportunities are just some of them available:
Office support - Volunteers are required to help with general office support including database management and assisting with telephone duties and internet enquiries. We have further opportunities for more specific roles such as fundrasing and helping with publicity. Much of this work can be done at home as well as in Civic Voice's office.
Website resources – we are keen to improve the quality of information and support available on the website. Do you have ideas? What information should we be signposting on fundraising, volunteering, land use planning and heritage? How can we provide the online support which best meets the need of civic societies? How can the website build a stronger civic network? Can you help manage the site?
Policy analysis – are you interested in reviewing Government and other policy reports and publications for their implications for the civic movement? What should we think of English Heritage’s future? What should we include in a General Election Manifesto for 2015?
Topic networks – would you like to lead an informal network of civic societies and volunteers interested in particular topics?. Networks have already begun on coastal towns and core cities and there is interest in blue plaques. What about conservation areas or canals, Heritage Open Days or out of town supermarkets?
Planning reform group – a review of the national planning policy framework will be started in 2014. Would you like to join a group offering advice and providing evidence and examples which can be used to ensure the results work for the civic movement?
Photographs - are you a keen photographer with an eye for a good picture? We need you! Civic Voice is always on the look out for photographs that fit our style and we also need a volunteer to manage the Flickr site.
Contact Ian Harvey on ian.harvey@civicvoice.org.uk  or on 0151 707 4319 to find out more 
If you would like to volunteer locally, please contact your local group. You can find your local group by clicking here

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