Friday 22 November 2013

Footpath between Queens Road and Central - update

It's hard to believe this nonsense has been going on for at least 20years!!

Dear Bryn,
At Tueday night's Transport Liaison Consultative Group meeting I tried, unsucessfully, to get some clarity regarding the interdependence of the different components of the pedestrian link.
LOROL have stated several times that they only require the installation of Oyster readers for the users of the Edison Close entrance to Walthamstow Queen's Road station to allow it to open to passengers. It should be noted that the station's own CCTV system has already been extended to include the Edison Close entrance.
A few months ago it emerged that TfL had agreed with representations from LOROL that there should be a Ticket Vending Machine (TVM) installed at the Edison Close entrance so that passengers would not have to cross the station footbridge to use the TVM at the Edinburgh Road entrance. TfL had also agreed with LOROL that as a matter of policy London Overground stations should have two TVMs. TfL then revised its installation proposals to put the Oyster readers at the bottom of the Edison Close entrance ramp and install a TVM at the top, however the TVM would require planning permission. After several proposals were rejected, the Council's planners are now satisfied and the TVM is about to recieve planning permission. It appears that TfL want to install the Oyster readers and TVM in the same works package, so it is unlikely that this work will be completed before the year's end.
The Waltham Forest Cummunity Safety Panel (I think they are called) threw a spanner in the works a few months ago when they said they wanted the link to covered by LBWF's CCTV system as the Exeter Road/Edison Close is designated a high crime area. The link route has been surveyed and a requirement for four cameras identified.
The footpath from Edison Close to Walthamstow Central station has been delayed by Solum slowing the pace on their development and is now supposed to be completed during March 2014.
BGORUG's position has always been that the Edison Close entrance to Walthamstow Queen's Road station should open as soon as posible, regardless of progress with the rest of the link. This is because it on its own it will still improve access to pedestrians from the North East side of the Barking - Gospel Oak railway. BGORUG also believes that the increased footfall along Exeter Road and Edison Road will improve community safety and that opening the station entrance should not be dependent on the commissioning of the borough's CCTV provision.
The implication at the WFTLCG meeting on Tuesday was that the new Edison Close entrance to Walthamstow Queen's Road station will not be allowed to open until the Council can open the entire link route in "April 2014". It would be very helpful if the Council could confirm if this is the case.
Glenn Wallis
Barking - Gospel Oak Rail User Group


Dear Neil 

Please can you give us all an update as to progress with the link between the stations. It would be great if this could be opened in time for Christmas? The issues re oyster and CCTV must have now been resolved as there has been more than adequate time. 

Thanks again for your work on this really crucial project. 


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