Friday 1 November 2013

SLM Digest 24-10-13

This is the weekly digest of Save Lea Marshes (formerly known as Save Leyton Marsh).  SLM is an active group of local people from both sides of the River Lea, who care about keeping the marshes of the Lea Valley and surrounding green space green for people and bio-diversity.  This weeks summary of e-chat, campaigns and events concerning the area are:
LONDON LEGACY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION - get the "chills" from the word "legacy"?  The current "Hackney Today" - Hackney Council's official newspaper,  (21.10.13), p.28 (www.hackney.gov.uk) has a Notice of Application for Planning Permission for housing and other developments on three sites:
1. "Neptune Wharf, comprising land bounded to the north by the Hertford Union Canal; to the east by Roach Road and to the West by Wansbeck Road £20(Application Ref. No. 12/002/OUT) 2. Land at 85,105 and 115 Monier Road bounded by Wyke Road and Roach Road (Application Ref. No. 13/00204/FUM) 3. Vittoria Wharf, Stour Road/Beachy Road E20. (Application Ref. No. 13/00280/FUM).  Comments should be received by London Legacy Development Corporation by 11 November. 
NEW FOOTBRIDGE - the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park (sic) is now a hop, skip and toddle away from a direct link with Hackney Wick Overground Station and crosses the Lea Navigation Canal near the new iCity complex and the Copper Box in the Olympic Park and will become fully accessible in December, according to a story in the "Hackney Gazette" this week. p.6.  Nice to see the Hackney cabinet member for regeneration extolling the virtues of walking, even if he emphasises the motives of commercialism.
ALIENT FOOTBALLS - also in this week's "Hackney Gazette" is a story about a TV campaign staged on the Marshes featuring large futuristic balls....
CUTTING OUT OUR WILD LIFE - mowing and strimming - has resumed on North Millfields, despite earlier complaints about the blatant contradiction of the Hackney Council's own bio-diversity policy.  A further complaint has been made.  Meanwhile on Walthamstow Marsh - which the the Lee Valley Regional Park Authority (LVRPA), are contracted to care for by Natural England as an SSSI, unnecessary and damaging mowing regimes also persist.  Leyton Marsh/Porter's Field is also in a sorry state.
EVENTS - first reminders about the SLM fundraising Quiz event at 7.30 this Friday (25 October) at the Hare & Hound Pub (opposite B&Q) on Lea Bridge Road (there is also a raffle) and the following evening - "The Marshman Cometh", readings from author Gareth Rees and poet Sam Berkson - gather by the old sports changing room, near Cow Bridge on Hackney Marshes.  There is also an event going on in the Tree Nursery which folk can go on to.  Your support would be welcome in helping us, keep the ghouls and ghosties  - otherwise known as property developers, off of the marshes....
Hawkwood Forest School - is having an Open Day on Sunday 27 October from 12-4 p.m. - a range of events is being held for adults and children including building wildlife habitats.  Bring Picnic lunch.  There is also a Supper being held at the Hornbeam on Hoe St., Walthamstow the day before (Saturday) evening.  Full details www.organiclea.org.uk/contact-us/#hawkwood 
Dalston Curve Garden - doing Halloweeny things with pumkins on Saturday 26 and Sunday 27 October from 5.30 to 8.30.
Next Meeting of SLM is Monday 4th November at 7.30 at the Princess of Wales Pub, Lea Bridge Road/Lea Towpath.  All are welcome to join us.  Check our our blog and website to keep up to date with what's going on.

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