Friday 1 November 2013

SLM Digest 31/10/13

This is the weekly digest of the Save Lea Marshes campaign dedicated to keeping the Lea Valley, green, clean and pesticide free for local people and wildlife.
Well, following the big wind and it being the time that ghouls and ghosties are afoot and small children in face paint come calling for sweeties - what's been in the wind on the Marshes front this week?
BALLS - the not-so-great publicity stunt by Samsung, reported on last week, has finally gone.  Promises were made to restore the site but so far, path destruction and lots of mud on the pitches have been left...  curiously, someone told us it was supposed to get young people interested in the environment.
TREES - news in the Hackney Gazette of a tree falling on housing in Stamford Hill following the big wind.  I also witnessed a big old tree uprooted in Markfield Park, blocking the canal path on Sunday afternoon, before things had really got going ..
PAST EVENTS - Last Friday's SLM Quiz was well attended and raised £165 towards our funds.  I hope that all our brains have recovered!  Saturday's readings from Sam the Poet and the Marshman, Gareth Rees, reading from his new book "The Hackney Marshman" were a treat and amazingly the rain laid off for the duration.  Those who missed this see Events below).
EVENTS -  The excellent Hackney bookshop Pages, is organising another reading of The Marshman on Wednesday 20 November at 7 p.m. at Sutton House, 2&4 Homerton High Street. Tickets £5.  There will also be a reading from John Rogers and his new book "This Other London - Adventures in the Overlooked City".  So no problem with Xmas presents this year - go to Pages of Hackney for East London books and of course, buy of our new Heron T Shirts (£12 to you gov') details on website.
Premiere time - da, da, da da - the real showing of the finished "Losing the Marshes, a true story of the Olympics" is being screened on 12 November at The Red Gallery, 1 Rivington Street, London EC2, as part of the "Making Something out of Nothing" season.  Haven't got a time see http://redgalleryLondon.com/ 
Also, on the busy day of 12 November, the London Wildlife Trust, are organising a debate on "Biodiversity Conservation" at the Scott Room, The Guardian, King's Place, York Way, N1, from 3-5 pm.  Details from Nina Obhrai, Administrator,  London Parks and Green Spaces Forum 07748968579.  This could be a useful opportunity to raise the issue of Leyton Marsh, following the Lee Valley Regional Park Authority's commissioning of  LWT to do a biodiversity report.  This will be the theme of the next "Across the Marshes" meeting on 1 December at the Red Room in the Rose & Crown pub, Hoe Street.  Further reminders of this will follow in the weeks ahead.
WE ARE TALKING WEEDS - one of our SLM spotters read a "Greener Hackney" report http://www.greencast.co.uk/media/77863/proliancequatrobooklet_sl.pdf - which is a case of the kettle calling the pot green - as Hackney streets continue to be sprayed with nasty weed killer.  Recommend Saving money on weed killer and spending more on repairing pavements ....
BEWARE TOUCAN CROSSING - another sharp spotter has alerted us to news of a crossing consultation (well it made me cross that there has been lack of publicity about this ..).  The crossing in question is proposed for the Lea Bridge Road, close to the Princess of Wales Pub, and to include a cycle crossing.  Improved access to the Lea Bridge Road near here would be welcome as the one further up the road, can be a bit tricky.  Find out more on http://millfieldspark/blogspot.com/2013/10/lea-bridge-road-crossing-scheme.html 
P.S.  You have until Monday to see the Save Leyton Marsh "Reclaim Leyton Marsh" Exhibition at the CafĂ© in Springfield Park ...


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