Saturday 4 January 2014

Jo Brind leaves town

Many of you may already know that Jo Brind - who has for several years run one of the most lively and informative websites about the marshes we have ever seen - is sadly going to be leaving London shortly for the Medway Towns.
He has sold the flat where we used to live together on Lea Bridge Road, and is moving out on Friday 3rd January.
A farewell commiseration bash is going to convene tomorrow evening, Thursday 2nd January, from 9.00pm onwards at the Drum, Jo's local pub, by the Lea Bridge Road Post Office near the Bakers' Arms Crossroads in Leyton Green.
All SLM and NLLDC members who knew Jo or his Leamarsh.com website are very welcome to attend to wish him well in his new home in Kent.  I am also copying in others I know, people he has met through his filming activities locally, through running, the News from Nowhere club, the local comedy and folk-music scenes, Hornbeam and so on.  Is there any pie that Jo didn't have a finger in in Waltham Forest and the Lea Valley?  (He'd even recently re-joined the Labour Party!) Jo is going to be very sorely missed by so many people.
Please do pass this message on to others who know him, don't just assume others will have done so already!  Particularly, could you text or ring to let those know who do still not use email (eg Laurie W).  We are hoping to make this a truly great event!
Hope to see you there,

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