Saturday 4 January 2014

Photo Competiton

To welcome in the new year, Save Lea Marshes have opened our first photo competition: 'What I Love About the Marshes!'

Amateur and professional photographers of all ages are invited to enter their best photos of Lea Marshes.

Our judges will choose twelve winning entries to form the 2015 Save Lea Marshes calendar which will be sold to raise funds to support our campaign. The winning image will be placed on the cover of the calendar and the overall winner can also choose the month their image accompanies inside. 

The twelve images will form the core of a travelling exhibition, composed of a selection of entries from the competition, which will be exhibited throughout 2014 in local venues in Waltham Forest and Hackney, beginning with the Waterworks Cafe on the marshes. 

Please visit our brand new website: http://www.saveleamarshes.org.uk/PhotoCompetition.html
to read the terms and conditions of entry and directly submit your photos. Please use the 'Contact Us' page of this website to get in touch with us if you experience any technical difficulties when submitting your photos. Do remember that images can only be considered for the calendar if they are significantly high enough resolution for printing. 

We ask that you accompany each of your images with a description, including the location the photo was taken. You are free to submit as many photos as you like. 

We look forward to your entries.
Happy New Year!
Save Lea Marshes

How about this!:

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