Sunday 9 March 2014

SLM Weekly Update 8-3-14

PHOTO COMPETITION - last Monday, the judges, came, cogitated and finally chose the winner and runners up, who will have their works exhibited and the best forming our 2015 fundraising calendar.  Details are on the website and also, "Loving Dalston" see http://lovingdalston.co.uk has a feature of the winning photograph "Big Sky Over Ice" by Rebecca McLaren and also features Kriss Lee's "The Bike".  Thanks to judges for their sterling work and other SLM colleagues for pulling all this together.

OLYMPIC ALLOTMENTS - following complaints raised by an SLM campaigner about the errors in legacy body LLDC's report - the LLDC are setting aside the principle resolution and making a fresh start for the next planning committee on 25 March.  This seems to be a new tactic seen recently at Wandsworth see http://wandsworth.gov.uk/news/article/11594/planning-decision-to-be-retaken and at Hammersmith & Fulham, concerning the Hammersmith Park proposals.

GREEN BELT - for further information on what constitutes M.O.L. land see http://www.planingresource.co.uk/article/1282815/court-appeal-clarifies-inaproppriate-green-belt-uses 

MOWING - following the last LVRPA Network meeting, when mowing was brought up as an issue (sorry if that sounds a bit "sick making"), we hear that the LVRPA are due to discuss the comments made at the meeting.  We'd like to know other people's views on whether they agree with SLM that the June mowing regime should be discontinued in order to give the wild flowers etc. a chance and also whether the whole site or certain parts of the marsh (not covered by grazing), should be left alone until August.

FRIENDS OF BELAIR PARK & PLANNING - following on from the consultative meeting on the Crystal Palace area, mentioned in last week's digest, we have received a report of the meeting space being far too small for all those that turned up.  See www.friendsofbelairpark.org.uk   As well as being supportive of the Friends' campaign, it is useful and interesting to follow closely another campaign that has run alongside SLM's.  If you haven't yet caught up on the excellent second series of "Planners" on BBC2, that has been running all week, do take a look at it on IPlayer.  Warning!   However, it does give you a feeling of de ja vue ...

EVENTS - Greenprint for Sustainable Hackney, will be held at 6.30-9.30 on 26 March at the Trinity Centre Dalston, subjects under discussion will range from the Built Environment/Housing to transport and Food Growing to Bio-diversity.  Further details from

NEXT SLM MEETING - Monday 10 March at the Princess of Wales pub, Lea Bridge Road - all welcome.

And finally - what a lovely Spring weekend - get out on the Marshes and enjoy!

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