Sunday 9 March 2014

Time for some soup!

A recipe from Katy Andrews:

I had a look at the recipes and quite a few are about things that are not available yet. Nettles are starting to come through and will be very plentiful in a few weeks' time. 

Here is a recipe for nettle soup:

One carrier bag of nettle tops
One onion - chopped
One clove of garlic - chopped
One chilli - chopped
One potato - peeled and chopped
One carrot - peeled and chopped
Vegetable oil for sweating vegetables 
About a litre of cold water or vegetable stock

Sweat the onion in a little oil until soft
Add the chopped garlic and chilli and cook for a couple of minutes more
Add the chopped potato and carrot and water and bring to the boil
Simmer until the potatoes and carrots are soft 
Add the nettles and cook for another couple of minutes to wilt the nettles
Blitz with a stick bender until smooth
Add a little more boiling water if necessary to get a soupy consistency

Serves 4

NB Make sure you are wearing gloves when handling raw nettles. Once they are cooked, the sting goes. A carrier bag full of nettles seems a lot but they wilt down to nothing - like spinach. 

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