Friday 22 August 2014

Community Ward Forums

Community Ward Forums

Dear Councillors,

The last Community Ward Forum for our Lea Bridge Ward was on 13th December 2013. There is no indication on the Council website that a future one is planned.
There are several important issues that affect our Ward, and it would be good to discuss them, as well as the ongoing Ward matters eg community policing report, local community funds etc.

Issues that have come up in 2014 are:

  • the LVRPA taking over of moorings on the River Lea and reserving them as 'private'
  • the building of a 'hoggin path' adjacent to the private moorings and the environmental consequences
  • the delay and extra cost of reconstructing and re-opening the Lea Bridge railway station
  • the construction under Leyton Marsh of tunnels for National Grid and possibly Cross Rail
  • the high levels of pollution in the River Lea at Lea Bridge from which many fish are dying, resulting from a number of reasons including road-run-off

I have written to you about some of these items over the past months, sometimes as copy recipients to your Cabinet colleagues and/or Stella Creasey MP, but don't seem to have received much by way of reply or acknowledgement, especially from Cllrs Asghar and Osho.

I believe that it is important for residents to be aware of these issues, and I would really appreciate hearing your views on them. I hope that a Community Ward Forum meeting will be arranged soon.


Claire Weiss

MP needs Admin Assistant

Local Job Op: MPs Admin Assistant 
This week I am advertising an administrative assistant role in my office in Walthamstow. This role is part time (21 hours at £20,000 pro-rata) and flexible so could suit someone with caring responsibilities or studying. In particular we are seeking someone with experience of financial management as well as database management to assist in our busy office. If you are interested in applying please do read the details first (note anyone contacting me about this role will be automatically discounted from consideration) you can find full details here. Closing date for applications is Monday 8 September 2014, and interviews will be on Thursday 11 September 2014. 

Wild Card Brewery


The Wild Card Brewery will be hosting a beer tasting session on Thursday 4th Septemberfrom 7 – 10pm. Tickets cost £15 which includes beer tasting, nibbles and a tour of the brewery. All proceeds go to Waltham Forest District Scouts trip to the World Scout Jamboree in 2015. For more information please email Veronica Ross or call her on 07970 180115.

Walthamstow Mysteries

View this email in your browser

The Walthamstow Mysteries

Written by Deborah Nash and directed by Becka McFadden
We'd like to invite you to an outdoor site-specific show in Walthamstow Marshes
  "Somewhere you know, nowhere you’ve been..."

FREE event on
Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th September 
two performances each day at

12:30pm & 3pm

Poster, flyers and postcards have been designed by Janet Milner: http://www.janetmilner.com

Our theatrical extravaganza unfurls in this intriguing part of London. Meet the Local Historian, the Lady of the Pageant, the Watercress Seller and the Shade as they lead us to the mysterious Marshes where almost anything can happen...even a dragon fight! 

If you bring your courage, we'll supply the dragon.
Our journey begins at 11am both days with a pre-show in the high street before the start of the performances in the Coppermill fields at 12:30pm and 3pm. 

Meet us outside the Coppermill Pub 30 minutes before each show, at midday and 2:30pm, for a short walk to the location. 

Getting there:

Nearest station: St James Street
Nearest tube: Walthamstow Central
Bus: W12 bus stops at the bottom of Coppermill Lane (Rensburg Road)
Parking: There is a small car park area outside Coppermill Fields
Are you interested in volunteering?
We are looking for people from the local area who might be happy to share their personal connection to Walthamstow and help the performances run smoothly. If you are interested and would like to be involved, please email walthamstowmysteries@gmail.com with 'Volunteer' in the subject line.

That footpath again - and changes at the station.

Dear Tim,

Both entrances to Walthamstow Queen's Road have 'No public right of Way' signs, but so far the red lines denoting the start of the compulsory ticket area are at the top of the stairs and ramps down to the platforms so you can walk across the bridge without having to have a ticket. Whether TfL/LOROL will resite the red lines across the entrances remains to be seen.

At Walthamstow Central there are (maybe worn away) similar lines on the AGA platforms to allow LUL passengers to walk to/from the subway steps without being subject to National Rail Penalty Fare Regs. So it it is possible to walk to/from the bus station without a rail ticket. I've asked LUL to provide signage in their subway from the bus station but they are not keen.

Regarding Walthamstow Central I am concerned about the works going on there. The down side (No.2) booking office is being demolished to provide a gate line and new (smaller) booking office. The sign on the hoarding (see photo) says that there are going to be separate entrances/exits and gate lines for AGA and LUL on both sides. It seems that NR are also going to redevelop the whole down side of the station with Solum. All the traders on that side including the news agents on the corner of Hoe Street have been given notice to quit by NR. But there is some doubt whether planning permission has been given for any redevelopment of the down side. On the up side (No.1) the concern is the original GER booking hall and offices. I think that these are listed. I don't see how the separate entrances/exits/gate lines for AGA and LUL can be provided without serious alterations to the building. I would really appreciate it if you could look into this for me.



From Boris!

Since I became Mayor in 2008, we’ve led major projects to improve the lives of Londoners, like securing Crossrail, creating a thriving new east London district with Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park and extending the Northern line.

Yet with London’s population set to exceed nine million by 2020 and 11 million by 2050, we cannot rest on our laurels. By the middle of this century, London will need another 1.5 million homes, over 600 more schools and colleges and a 20% increase in energy supply capacity. London’s public transport needs to expand by 70%, and in our future megacity high speed digital connectivity is an absolute must.

London needs continued investment to make these huge changes happen. That’s why I’ve put together a new Infrastructure Plan which sets out exactly what needs to be done over the next half century. Decent infrastructure is the lifeblood of our city and we all have a stake in improving it. That’s why I’m now consulting on my plan and hope to hear your thoughts.

Save our parks

Petition Update
National Federation of Parks and Green Spaces just posted an update on the petition you signed:

Support grows for parks - please publicise!

National Federation of Parks and Green Spaces 
Aug 17, 2014
1,000 people have already signed the Parks Petition following the initial call - now let's step up the publicity in the build up to World Parks Day, September 20th! Please...
Read more
Sent to adrian.stannard@btinternet.com. You received this email because you signed "Save Our Parks! Protect and invest in the UK's public green spaces". To stop news updates from this petition, you may unsubscribe here.
This message was sent by National Federation of Parks and Green Spaces using the Change.org system. Change.org does not endorse the contents of this message.
© 2014 Change​.org · 548 Market St #29993 · San Francisco, CA 94104-5401 · USA

Friday 15 August 2014

Zeppelin Walk

Dear local walker
I’m sorry not to have come up with a programme of walks since May.
One idea that has occurred to me is to follow the route of a Zeppelin airship which flew over Walthamstow, Leyton and Forest Gate dropping bombs.  This event happened one year into the First World War, 99 years ago on Sunday 17 August.  Our walk will be into the cool of the sunset, starting at 7pm at the junction of Bakers Avenue with Hoe Street, by the Hornbeam Environmental Centre E17 9AH, and ending at the junction of Cann Hall Road and Dames Road E11 3NW about 9pm, but with plenty of opportunities to leave the walk before the end.  Mostly streets suitable for wheelchairs and buggies with the final section over grass and gravel.
Hopefully the walk will be enjoyable but I don’t want to trivialise the experience of people targeted by explosive and incendiary devices, then or now.
David Boote
Walking Free in Waltham Forest

077 69 665 447 (for use on the day of a walk)

That footpath again!


Neil, Tobias,

There's also a short section where there's no pavement, meaning people have to walk in the roadway leading from the estate carpark area. I'm very surprised this got through unnoticed - it can be easily rectified by laying a pavement on one side (at present there is blockwork which actually discourages walking!). There's also a lot of stray gravel on the pavement and in the roadway between the Queens Road station exit and Ray Dudley Way, which looks very scruffy and is uncomfortable to walk on. The whole area needs a full sweeping-up exercise and regular tidying thereafter. And the Ray Dudley Way nameplate at the Central end is on the wrong side of the path where hardly anyone will see it. It needs moving to the opposite side.
I have to say I am very disappointed with the present quality of the pedestrian link, after the length of time the Council has had to get it right and after all the safety concerns expressed by the police and others. It is very hard to find, bereft of signage, badly lit and actually feels quite intimidating as you approach it from Edison Close (which itself is a tatty, uncared-for environment - is there an estate manager responsible for it?). I used it late on Wednesday night and felt quite wary - I think a lot of people would be put off it altogether. There is a lot of work to be done between now and the official opening, by the Council, LOROL/TfL and Greater Anglia Railway, otherwise the Grand Opening risks being an embarrassment to all involved. 
Graham Larkbey
Assistant Secretary, Barking-Gospel Oak Rail User Group

On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 1:33 AM, GLENN WALLIS <glennwallis@btopenworld.com> wrote:
Dear Tobias,

I am still trying to find out info about Ray Dudley, so far without much luck. I'll let you know what I know shortly. I'm also hope to be able to dig out a photo of him.

Meanwhile, I think you said that the official opening would be 28 September. Will Solum have finished the car park by then? It still appears to have some way to go.

Concerns expressed to me so far are the lack of signposting throughout and poor lighting, especially on Ray Dudley Way.

Pressed for time at the moment but I will write again shortly.

Kind regards


Glenn Wallis
Barking - Gospel Oak Rail User Group

Planning Applications

Most of the applications are simple extensions but these may be of interest:

2014/1570  859 Lea Bridge Road - Block of 22 flats with 12 car spaces

2014/1612/NMA - Highams Park lake footpath and floodwall changes.

2014/1620 - Brooke Farm temporary buildings.

93 Church Hill E17 3BD

This property, opposite the Girls School, has been let out for years while the owner tried to get planning permission to redevelop the site. 2008/0096, 2008/0741, 2010/0795, 2013/0569, 2014/1584/CLP.

The 2008/0741 application wanted to demolish the building and build a block of 10 flats. The local residents were up in arms and amazingly got the Planning Committee to refuse it. The owner took it to appeal and lost! The Inspector felt the current building was an important part of the street scene opposite a listed building i.e. the Girls school.

In 2010 an attempt to turn it in to a children's home failed but in 2013 it obtained permission for a two storey side and rear extension and a loft extension with rear dormer windows.

At the end of this July 2014/1584/CLP was submitted for a lawful development certificate for a proposed development - Installation of velux windows at front was submitted. A decision has not yet been made. 

So the question has to be asked why has the council allowed huge changes to be made to the building when the inspector clearly felt the existing building played a major part in the street scene. 

Even more importantly what is happening to the building as last time I past it its roof had gone and it looked as if it was being demolished.

What is the point of the planning process if it can be abused in this way?

Crossrail 2

Crossrail 2

Dear Claire

> Thank you for your recent query.

> The alignment for the new Crossrail 2 line has changed. In the earlier proposal, the line from Hackney came into Waltham Forest with a tunnel portal (where the line emerges from underground) likely to be somewhere in the Lea Bridge area.

> However, in the latest Transport for London consultation, the route alignment has changed and does not come into Waltham Forest at all. After leaving Hackney, the line turns north and emerges from tunnel just before Tottenham Hale station in the London Borough of Haringey. It therefore has no effect on the SSSI in Waltham Forest.

> The revised alignment will also have no effect on the reopening of Lea Bridge Station.

> Kind regards

> Neil Bullen
> Manager Transport Planning
> London Borough of Waltham Forest

Save Our Parks

National Federation of Parks and Green SpacesAmplifying the voices of the Friends Groups' movementwww.natfedparks.org.uk/parks-petition.html

Please forward to all your members, contacts, family, friends, neighbours and colleagues....
UK Parks PetitionSAVE OUR PARKS! Protect and invest in the UK’s green spaces-  Help prevent the slide into crisis
-  Let's make parks a general election issue in 2015

Please support and publicise to everyone in the UK
Click here to sign: http://chn.ge/TXdqhj
Parks and green spaces are an essential and unique resource and service, vital to every local community and serving a wide range of important needs for people of all ages and interests. However, the June 2014 'State of UK Public Parks' report documented the alarming slide into a long-term crisis being caused by the underfunding of the UK's parks. We are now at a tipping point. It is up to all those who know and care to raise their voices together.

The inspirational rise of the Friends Groups movement over the last 15 years (with now over 5,000 groups), and the hard work and expertise of green space staff, managers and professionals, has demonstrated the commitment of the public and all those who love parks. We believe that there must now be an equivalent recognition and commitment from the political parties and the next Government in 2015. Let's make this an election issue!

Please help get as many signatures as you can...

1. Sign the petition: 
http://chn.ge/TXdqhj2. Spread the news via Twitter: @LoveParks_Week  #LoveParks
3. Spread the news via Facebook: www.facebook.com/ukparkspetition - and also:www.facebook.com/LoveParksWeek
4. Refer to the Parks Petition webpage: 
5. Download and take round a Sign Up Sheet: 
www.natfedparks.org.uk/mediapool/118/1181937/data/NFPGSpetitionHardCopySignUpSheet_1_.pdf6. Download and hand out leaflets: www.natfedparks.org.uk/mediapool/118/1181937/data/NFPGSpetitionleaflet2014_1_.pdf
Please spread the word far and wide!

*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *    
Click here to sign: http://chn.ge/TXdqhj 

SAVE OUR PARKS! Protect and invest in the UK’s green spaces -  Help prevent the slide into crisis 
The next Government, in 2015, must:
- hold a national inquiry into the funding and management of the UK's green spaces
- bring in a statutory duty to monitor and manage these spaces to Green Flag Award standard
- ensure adequate public resources for all green spaces

We call for all political parties to include these policies in their election manifestos.

Our local green spaces are vital for everyone and every community, and for all age groups and interests!  They are an essential and unique service promoting relaxation, recreation and play, wildlife and bio-diversity, green jobs and skills, heritage, flood control, health and social well-being, and community cohesion.

However, there is growing alarm from the public, from Friends of Parks groups, and from parks managers, about the serious long-term damage being caused by dramatic cuts to green space budgets for staff and maintenance, and the lack of funding and investment by local and national government. If not reversed, this neglect will cause them to go into decline and become problem spaces abandoned by park users and plagued by vandalism.

This unfolding slide into crisis must be halted. It's time for action. 

Friday 8 August 2014

Follow the route of the 1st World War zeppelin

Dear local walker
I’m sorry not to have come up with a programme of walks since May.
One idea that has occurred to me is to follow the route of a Zeppelin airship which flew over Walthamstow, Leyton and Forest Gate dropping bombs.  This event happened one year into the First World War, 99 years ago on Sunday 17 August.  Our walk will be into the cool of the sunset, starting at 7pm at the junction of Bakers Avenue with Hoe Street, by the Hornbeam Environmental Centre E17 9AH, and ending at the junction of Cann Hall Road and Dames Road E11 3NW about 9pm, but with plenty of opportunities to leave the walk before the end.  Mostly streets suitable for wheelchairs and buggies with the final section over grass and gravel.
Hopefully the walk will be enjoyable but I don’t want to trivialise the experience of people targeted by explosive and incendiary devices, then or now.
David Boote
Walking Free in Waltham Forest

077 69 665 447 (for use on the day of a walk)

Footpath update again!

Dear Tobias,

I have had no reply from LOROL to the email I copied you into (below).

Now that Ray Dudley Way is open can you please advise what, if anything, is preventing the opening of the station entrance in Edison Close?

Kind regards


Glenn Wallis
Barking - Gospel Oak Rail User Group

Sent: Friday, 25 July 2014, 9:09

Dear Sam,

Yesterday evening I was delighted to be able walk from Walthamstow Central 'up side' booking hall, through the station car park, Ray Dudley Way and Edison Close right up to the new station entrance which, of course, was still closed.

Could you or other LOROL staff please liaise with London Borough of Waltham Forest with a view to opening the Edison Close station entrance as soon as possible. I understand that the suspected defect issue has been resolved and hopefully the legal aspects will have been also resolved by now.

Kind regards


Glenn Wallis
Barking - Gospel Oak Rail User Group

Your chance to vote for a United Kingdom

Change.org mail@change.org

12:50 (20 hours ago)
to me
Adrian -- 
The Scottish referendum is being held on Thursday 18th September, when Scotland will decide if it wants to leave the United Kingdom and be an independent country. 
Historian Dan Snow has started a petition so that he can tell the people of Scotland that he wants them to stay together. 
Disagree? You can start your own petition here or join the debate onFacebook.

Scotland: Let's stay together

Dan Snow 
London, United Kingdom
On September 18th Scotland will vote on whether to stay in the United Kingdom or leave to form a separate country.  
For everyone in the rest of the UK, just as for Scotland, the result of the referendum will have a fundamental impact on our identity, our culture and our future. 
I feel passionately about Britain and the many extraordinary things we have achieved together throughout our shared history. Although I don't have a vote in the Scottish referendum, like so many others I certainly have a view. We believe that most people in England, Northern Ireland and Wales don't want Scotland to leave the UK, while respecting the right of the Scots to decide this for themselves.
But although the rest of us don't have a vote, we do have a voice. Our hope is that if enough of us sign this petition and send our love and respect to the Scots, they won't be voting without knowing how we feel. 
We want the Scots to know the true feelings of the vast majority of their fellow citizens of the United Kingdom - that we would like them to stay as treasured members of our family of nations.
Go to Let's Stay Together to find out more about our campaign and the other people from the arts, entertainment, science, sport and literature who have signed the petition.
Let's Stay Together is a civic society campaign which brings together people of all political persuasions and none, from every community and corner of the UK, from all backgrounds and interests, to say to Scotland: "Stay with us!"
We hope you join us and add your name to our campaign, helping to share this simple, positive message with others: #letsstaytogether 
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