Wednesday 4 November 2015

London to grow to 10 million

London to grow to 10m

When you travel around the UK you realise there is still plenty of land still available for development but only if it is properly planned. Successive Governments seem to have lost the plot and think the only way is to allow London to grow unfettered. What nonsense. 

They need to plan new garden cities, like Milton Keynes, up north which just during the construction phase would create many jobs. London and the South East is reaching breaking point all because central Government has not had a sensible policy. The Northern corridor may be a solution but there are plenty of other places even further north crying out for investment. 

Waltham Forest is trying to build on every little piece of land it can find however inappropriate because it won't stand up to the Government and stop this looming disaster. The more people squeeze into the South East the more likely our quality of life will be ruined and the only way will be to move out as three friends of mine are in the process of doing.

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