Wednesday 4 November 2015

Tipping campaign

From Stella Creasy MP's Newsletter

Awkward Turtle: 
Join Us Speaking Up For Fair Pay in E17! 
There has been growing scrutiny of how restaurants manage tips and service charges, as they process money paid via credit cards to their staff. This had led to some charging staff to recieve their tips and others using to top up employee pay. In response to pressure, companies such as Pizza Express have recently ended the admin fee they charge their staffand agreed to pass on 100% of tips paid. 
Local restaurant Turtle Bay requires waiting staff to hand over 3% of the customers table sales to the restaurant manager at the end of every shift. This 3% charge is taken from the employee's tip pool at the end of every shift and on occasions if the member of staff cannot cover the charge through their tip pool they are asked to take it out of their pocket or go to the hole in the wall cash machine. Thus, if serving staff don't generate these sales they can be penalised to cover this cost. 

On Friday 6 November I will be working with representatives of GMB union to highlight this practice in Walthamstow and call for Turtle Bay to join other companies in abolishing it. If you would like to join our action for Fair Tips in Walthamstow please reply to this email for more details. In the meantime if you would like to ensure any tip you leave goes to those who you intended it without a charge, please tip in cash or ask for any service charge to be removed from your bill and pay in cash instead. 

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