Wednesday 4 November 2015

Snow Angels

Dear Residents

As always we are looking to increase the number of Snow Angels in the William Morris ward - who do the important job of helping to clear pavements in the area  - so please promote the scheme to your neighbours and anyone else you think may be interested and ask them to get in touch.

Waltham Forest Council is considering expanding the Snow Angels scheme by offering current and new Snow Angels free litter pickers and litter bags. These additional pieces of equipment could be used for any resident led or Council led clean up events in your local area throughout the year or in case you might want to do something yourself. We would like to gauge the level of interest in this initiative, so if you would like to receive a free litter picker and litter bags, please contact the team to register your interest and we’ll be in touch.

If you are interested in becoming a snow angel please get in touch with Kris Rhodes who is copied in.

Grace, Stuart and Nadeem

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