Friday 4 December 2015

Mini Holland Update 4-12-15



The UK’s cycling revolution will not take off without proper funding

One of the biggest costs to our health system is the physical inactivity which equates to a staggering £47bn a year according to the government. Air pollution of our cities is held responsible for more than 29,000 deaths across the country and businesses lose £1.5bn to congestion in the capital. How can these three problems be solved all at once?  Better and true commitment from the government to improve accessibility to cycling.   Countries around us such as Amsterdam, Copenhagen or Utrecht have already succeeded and it would make sense for us to follow their footsteps. To improve infrastructures investment is needed. With only £10 per person per year (which represent 0.5% annual NHS budget, 1% annual cost of inactivity). It is a relatively tiny amount to make our cities cleaner and less pullulated with a healthier and happier population Above all the public wants it, with 91% seeing physical activity as the best way to stay healthy and 60% see cycling as the natural choice for a short journey.  Click here to read more and here to find out what you can do to help promote cycling.

Dear Peter Bradley, Head of Consultations,

Thank you for this information. I am very puzzled at its arrival yesterday. According to the Waltham Forest Mini-Holland website the consultation for Section A of Lea Bridge Road finished some months ago, the one for Sections B and C (up to Bakers Arms) finish today, BUT ONLY the remaining part (up to Whipps Cross) is open for comments until the date you mention - 2nd December.

I don't recall receiving an earlier email from you about Sections B and C, which happens to be my local area. Please correct me if I am wrong. I would have expected TfL to give good notice of these proposals to make significant changes to arrangements for buses, whether or not there is other publicity.

I am copying in Cllr Masood Ahmad, Chair of LB Waltham Forest Transport Consultative Group - questions about the changes to bus transport on Lea Bridge Road could not be answered by the TfL representatives present at the recent meeting of this Group.

I request that the consultations for the whole of Lea Bridge Road are held open until 31st December so that the many others on your email circulation list have a chance to get involved. One day's notice of consultation end is not sufficient.

What has caused this lack of synchronisation between yourselves, LBWF and the Mini-Holland team?

Claire Weiss

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from Dave (@electester

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