Friday 11 December 2015

News from Nowhere Club

 Saturday 12 December 2015
BUDDHISM: The Direct Path to Enlightenment
Speaker: Vanaraji
How can we live in a better world? Changing our mind changes the world. The teachings of the Buddha help us change how we think & give us a new perspective on life that leads  to freedom from suffering, for ourselves & others.
Vanaraji, an Ordained Buddhist in the Triratana Buddhist Order, will give an overview of Buddhist principles & practices that free us from mundane consciousness & help us experience more vividly the Enlightened world. 

Epicentre, West St E11 4LJ
7.30 buffet    8pm talk.   0208 555 5248
Just turn up

Please note: I do not look at emails all the time, so if urgent, please phone me on 0208 555 5248.
Also, occasionally emails do not reach me. so please phone if I have not responded within a few days.

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