Friday 26 August 2016

Old Station Yard Wood Street

Old Station Yard


Revive Gardening Project- Wood Street 13 September

Do you have Green Fingers? Would you like to learn some gardening skills? Would you like to meet your neighbours?  Revive will be running gardening sessions outside Wood Street Medical Centre and hope you will join them to plan, plant and care for new gardens. Everyone is welcome to come and share ideas on the following dates to plan how the garden will look. 

The first session is on Tuesday 13th September at Old Station Yard CafĂ©, from 2-30pm – 3.30pm. 

Then on 4th October there will be a launch day to start gardening between 10am – 3pm. If you are interested in this project please email Naomi and Katherine with your thoughts at: revivewalthamstow@gmail.com

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